Prediction site in JavaScript

Now we will make a website that will issue predictions. Let there be a button on this site, by clicking on which a timer will be launched, which will display a random number from 1 to some maximum value every 0.1 seconds into some div.

Let there be another button under the div, by clicking on which the user of our site can stop the timer and fix a certain number in the div. This number will be the prediction number. After that, show the user a prediction with this number, and remove all unnecessary buttons from the screen so that the user cannot get another prediction. That is, one visit to the site - one prediction.

Here is an example of what should be:

Here is the layout that you can use when solving the problem:

<div id="parent"> <div id="timer">?</div> <div id="text"></div> <button id="start" class="active">know your fate</button> <button id="stop">get a prediction</button> </div> #parent { text-align: center; } #parent > * { margin-bottom: 10px; } #timer { font-size: 18px; } #text { font-size: 17px; font-style: italic; } button { padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 15px; cursor: pointer; } button:not(.active) { display: none; }

Consider how it is more convenient to store predictions.

Implement the described site.

Make it so that there are two kinds of predictions: good and bad. Make the bad ones red and the good ones green.
