If the array has more elements than variables,
if necessary, extra elements can be written to
the array using the rest
let arr = [2025, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59];
let [year, month, day, ...time] = arr;
console.log(year); // shows 2025
console.log(month); // shows 12
console.log(day); // shows 31
console.log(time); // shows [23, 59, 59]
In the following code, parts of the array are written to the corresponding variables:
let arr = ['John', 'Smit', 'development', 'programmer', 2000];
let name = arr[0];
let surname = arr[1];
let info = arr.slice(2); // all elements from the second to the end of the array
Rework this code through destructuring according to the learned theory.