Destructuring has another very important application area - passing function parameters. The bottom line is this: if a function takes an array as a parameter, we can set directly in the function declaration how to destructure this array.
Let's look at an example. Suppose we have a function that takes an array with a year, month and day as a parameter:
func([2025, 12, 31]);
Let's specify directly in the function parameter which variables this array should be split into:
function func([year, month, day]) {
console.log(year); // shows 2025
console.log(month); // shows 12
console.log(day); // shows 31
The above construction should be considered as a single function parameter. You can add more parameters if you want:
func('str1', [2025, 12, 31], 'str2');
function func(param1, [year, month, day], param2) {
console.log(param1); // shows 'str1'
console.log(year); // shows 2025
console.log(month); // shows 12
console.log(day); // shows 31
console.log(param2); // shows 'str2'
And in the following example, arrays are passed as the first and second parameters to the function, and we destructure both of them:
func([2025, 12, 31], [2026, 11, 30]);
function func([year1, month1, day1], [year2, month2, day2]) {
console.log(year1); // shows 2025
console.log(month1); // shows 12
console.log(day1); // shows 31
console.log(year2); // shows 2026
console.log(month2); // shows 11
console.log(day2); // shows 30
Rework the following code through destructuring according to the theory you learned:
function func(employee) {
let name = employee[0];
let surname = employee[1];
let department = employee[2];
let position = employee[3];
let salary = employee[4];
func( ['John', 'Smit', 'development', 'programmer', 2000] );
Rework the following code through destructuring according to the theory you learned:
function func(employee) {
let name = employee[0];
let surname = employee[1];
let info = employee[2];
func( ['John', 'Smit', 'development', 'programmer', 2000] );
Rework the following code through destructuring according to the theory you learned:
function func(employee) {
let name = employee[0];
let surname = employee[1];
let department = employee[2];
let position;
if (arr[3] !== undefined) {
position = arr[3];
} else {
position = 'junior';
func( ['John', 'Smit', 'development'] );
Rework the following code through destructuring according to the theory you learned:
function func(department, employee, hired) {
let name = employee[0];
let surname = employee[1];
let year = hired[0];
let month = hired[1];
let day = hired[2];
func( 'development', ['John', 'Smit'], [2018, 12, 31] );