Date validation in JavaScript

Let's now learn how to check the date for correctness. For example, January 31st is a valid date, but January 32d is not. As you know, JavaScript automatically corrects dates. In our case, this means that January 32 will automatically become February 1st.

Such a JavaScript property can be used to check for the existence of a date. How we will check: let's create an object with a date and see if parts of the date have changed or not. In other words, whether JavaScript has performed the adjustment on our date or not. If fulfilled, then the date passed by us is incorrect, and if not fulfilled, it is correct.

Let's do the above:

let year = 2025; let month = 0; let day = 32; let date = new Date(year, month, day); if (date.getFullYear() == year && date.getMonth() == month && date.getDate() == day) { console.log('correct'); } else { console.log('incorrect'); }

Make the function checkDate that will perform the above check. Let the function return true if the date is correct and false otherwise. An example of how this function works for January 31 and January 32:

console.log(checkDate(2025, 0, 31)); // shows true console.log(checkDate(2025, 0, 32)); // shows false