Date formats in JavaScript

Let's now learn how to display the date in a specific format. Let, for example, we want to display the current day, month and year in the format year-month-day.

Let's do that:

let date = new Date(); console.log(date.getFullYear() + '-' + date.getMonth() + '-' + date.getDate());

Our code, however, has a problem: the month numbers will start with a zero, and we would most likely want them to start with a one.

Let's fix the problem:

let date = new Date(); console.log(date.getFullYear() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate());

Our code, however, is still not perfect. But you can notice this only in certain months and on certain days. Let, for example, it is now 5th of March 2020.

In this case, our date will be displayed in the format 2020-3-5. And we would like the date to be displayed in the format 2020-03-05 - with zeros before the numbers of days and months with one digit.

To solve the problem, let's write the function addZero, which will add zeros in front of numbers from 0 to 9:

function addZero(num) { if (num >= 0 && num <= 9) { return '0' + num; } else { return num; } }

Let's apply the created function and now we will actually get the date in the format we need:

let date = new Date(); console.log( addZero(date.getFullYear()) + '-' + addZero(date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + addZero(date.getDate()) );

Display the current date-time in the format 12:59:59 31.12.2014. Use for all parts of the date (except for the year) the function we created to add a zero if necessary.
