Inverting logical expressions in JavaScript

Consider the following code:

if (num > 0 && num < 5) { console.log('+++'); } else { console.log('---'); }

Now our condition is following: num should be from 0 to 5. Let's invert this condition, that is, turn it into its opposite. The opposite condition is: num must be less than or equal to 0 OR greater than or equal to 5::

if (num <= 0 || num >= 5) { console.log('+++'); } else { console.log('---'); }

As you can see, in order to invert the condition, you have to think a little. It will be much easier to use the operator !, which is the logical NOT. Thanks to this operator, it is enough for us to put the sign ! before the initial condition, then it inverts itself:

if ( !(num > 0 && num < 5) ) { console.log('+++'); } else { console.log('---'); }

Given the following code:

if (num1 >= 0 || num2 <= 10) { console.log('+++'); } else { console.log('---'); }

Using the operator ! invert the above condition.
