Returning a table from a function in JavaScript

In the previous lesson, we made the createTable function. Let's modify this function so that it does not add a table to some element, but simply returns it via return.

That is, the above code of the previous lesson is converted into this:

let div = document.querySelector('#elem'); let table = createTable(3, 4); div.appendChild(table);

It can be rewritten shorter:

let div = document.querySelector('#elem'); div.appendChild(createTable(3, 4));

Getting a reference to the table may be needed in order to do something with the created table. For example, let's color its text color red:

let div = document.querySelector('#elem'); let table = createTable(3, 4); = 'red'; div.appendChild(table);

Modify your createTable function as described in theory.

Suppose we have such a div with paragraphs:

<div id="elem"> <p>1</p> <p>2</p> <p>3</p> </div>

Use the createTable function to create a new table and then insert it at the end of the div.
