Getting pressed keys in JavaScript

Using the Event object, you can get the keys pressed. Let's see how it's done. Let's have an input:


Get a reference to it into a variable:

let elem = document.querySelector('input');

Let's hang an event on our input that fires on each keystroke:

elem.addEventListener('keypress', function(event) { });

The key property of the object with the event will contain the pressed character:

elem.addEventListener('keypress', function(event) { console.log(event.key); });

And the code property will contain the code of the pressed key:

elem.addEventListener('keypress', function(event) { console.log(event.code); });

Make an input that will display the values of the entered keys and their codes on input.

Press various keys in the input and see what their values and codes are.

Determine what code the Enter key will have.

Determine what code the BackSpace key will have.

Given a paragraph and an input. Text is entered into it and the key Enter is pressed. Make it so that at this moment the entered text falls into the paragraph under the input, and the contents of the input are cleared.
