Practice on changing elements in JavaScript

Given an array. Output its elements as a ul list.

Modify the previous task so that by clicking on any li an input appears in it, with which you can edit it.

Modify the previous task so that there is an input below the list, with which you can add a new element to the end of the ul list. Make the new li also editable.

Modify the previous task so that at the end of each li there is a link 'remove', which will remove this li from ul.

Modify the previous task so that at the end of each li there is also a link 'cross out', which can be used to cross out the text of this li tag.

Array of objects and a table

Given the following array with employees:

let employees = [ {name: 'employee1', age: 30, salary: 400}, {name: 'employee2', age: 31, salary: 500}, {name: 'employee3', age: 32, salary: 600}, ];

Display these employees in an HTML table.

Add the ability to edit the cells of the created table.

Add a new column to your table with a link to remove a row from the table.

Make 3 inputs and a button for adding a new employee under the table. Let the name, age and salary be entered into the inputs, and by clicking on the button a new employee is added to the table. Implement cell editing for newly added employees.

Array of objects and a list

Given the following array with employees:

let employees = [ {name: 'employee1', age: 30, salary: 400}, {name: 'employee2', age: 31, salary: 500}, {name: 'employee3', age: 32, salary: 600}, ];

Display each employee in own li tag of the ul tag.

Make it so that when clicking on the name, age or salary of an employee, an input appears for editing this field.

Add a link to the end of each li tag to remove that li from the list.

Under the list, make a form for adding a new employee.
