As you already know, you can call an anonymous function in-place and assign the result of the work to some variable:
let result = function() {
return '!';
console.log(result); // shows '!'
Often the immediately invoked function is then enclosed in parentheses, although this is not necessary. This is done so that it is immediately clear that the function is called in-place:
let result = (function() {
return '!';
console.log(result); // shows '!'
Let now the result of the function called in-place be an anonymous function:
let func = (function() {
return function() {
func(); // shows '!'
Let's make the returned function store the
variable num
in the closure:
let func = (function() {
let num = 1;
return function() {
If you add num++
, then the function
will become a ready-made counter:
let func = (function() {
let num = 1;
return function() {
func(); //shows 1
func(); //shows 2
func(); //shows 3
func(); //shows 4
func(); //shows 5
Without looking into my code, implement the same counter on your own.
Modify the operation of the counter so
that it counts up to 5
, and then
starts counting again.