Now we will learn how to create our own functions, which can then be used like standard JavaScript functions and methods. Let's look at the syntax for creating our own function.
A function is created with the command
. Next, a space is followed
by the name of the function, parentheses,
and then curly brackets, in which some
code is written:
function func() {
// some code
Let's look at some example. Let's make a
function called func
, which, when
invoked (called), will display an exclamation
mark with alert:
function func() {
Let's call our function now. To do this, write her name and parentheses:
function func() {
// Call our function:
func(); // shows '!'
You can call our function several times - in this case, each function call will issue a new alert:
function func() {
func(); // shows '!'
func(); // shows '!'
func(); // shows '!'
Functions can be invoked before they are defined:
func(); // shows '!'
function func() {
Make a function that prints your name to the console.
Make a function that prints the sum
of numbers from 1
to the console.