Functions can be passed as parameters to other functions. Such function-parameter is called callback. Let's see how they work with an example.
Suppose we want to make a function that will take an array as the first parameter, and a callback as the second, which will be applied to each element of the array:
function each(arr, callback) {
// here is some code
Let's write the implementation of our function:
function each(arr, callback) {
let result = [];
for (let elem of arr) {
result.push( callback(elem) ); // invokes the callback function
return result;
Our function each
is universal.
This means that we can pass different
callbacks to it, performing different
operations on arrays. In this case,
the code of our function will remain
unchanged - only the passed callbacks
will change.
For example, let's use our function to square each element of an array. To do this, we will pass the corresponding callback as a parameter:
let result = each([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], function(num) {
return num ** 2;
And now let's raise the elements of the array to a cube. To do this, we will pass another callback that performs this operation as a parameter:
let result = each([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], function(num) {
return num ** 3;
Given an array of numbers. Use the
function we created to
double each element.
Given an array with strings. Use
the each
function we created
to flip the characters of each
string in reverse order.
Given an array with strings. Use
the each
function we created
to capitalize the first character
of each string.