So, in the previous lesson, we found out that by referring to a function without parentheses, we get its source code.
In fact, everything is much more interesting. In JavaScript, unlike other languages, functions are just like the values of variables, just like numbers, strings, and arrays.
Let's look at an example. Suppose we have,
for example, the function func
function func() {
We don't actually have the function func
We have the variable func
that stores
the source code of the function.
We can, for example, overwrite the variable
with something else, such as a
string. In this case, the function func
will no longer be a function, but a string.
Look at the example:
function func() {
func(); // shows '!'
func = 'string'; // overwrites the variable func
console.log(func); // shows 'string'
Make the function func
that will
return some string through return
Print the result of the function
with alert to the console.
Print the source code of the function
with alert to the console.
Write the number 123
into the
variable func
, thus overwriting
the function in this variable. Print
the new value of the variable
to the console.