Exporting variables and functions in modules via closures in JavaScript

Sometimes you need to make certain variables and functions of a module accessible from the outside. Let's see how it's done. Let's say we have the following module:

;(function() { let str = 'a module variable'; function func() { alert('a module function'); } })();

Let's export our function func. To do this, we write it into the property of the window object embedded in the browser:

;(function() { let str = 'a module variable'; function func() { alert('a module function'); } window.func = func; })();

Now we can call our function from outside the module:

;(function() { let str = 'a module variable'; function func() { alert('a module function'); } window.func = func; })(); window.func(); // shows 'a module function'

In this case, it is not necessary to call the function as a property of the window object:

;(function() { let str = 'a module variable'; function func() { alert('a module function'); } window.func = func; })(); func(); // shows 'a module function'

Given the following module:

;(function() { let str1 = 'a module variable'; let str2 = 'a module variable'; let str3 = 'a module variable'; function func1() { alert('a module function'); } function func2() { alert('a module function'); } function func3() { alert('a module function'); } })();

Export one of the variables and any two functions to the outside.
