Not only arrays, but also objects can be multidimensional, here is an example:
let obj = {
a: {
key1: 'a1',
key2: 'a2',
key3: 'a3',
b: {
key1: 'b1',
key2: 'b2',
key3: 'b3',
c: {
key1: 'c1',
key2: 'c2',
key3: 'c3',
Let's display some elements of our object:
console.log(obj['a']['key1']); // shows 'a1'
You can also access elements as properties:
console.log(obj.a.key1); // shows 'a1'
You can combine both methods:
console.log(obj['a'].key1); // shows 'a1'
console.log(obj.a['key1']); // shows 'a1'
Given the following object:
let obj = {
key1: {
key1: 1,
key2: 2,
key3: 3,
key2: {
key1: 4,
key2: 5,
key3: 6,
key3: {
key1: 7,
key2: 8,
key3: 9,
Find the sum of the elements of this object.
Given the following object:
let obj = {
1: {
1: 'a1',
2: 'a2',
3: 'a3',
2: {
1: 'b1',
2: 'b2',
3: 'b3',
3: {
1: 'c1',
2: 'c2',
3: 'c3',
Display the element 'b2'
and the element 'c1'
Given the following object:
let obj = {
key1: {
a: 1, b: 2, c: {
d: 3,
e: 4,
}, f: 5,
key2: {
g: 6, h: 7,
Manually - without a loop, find the sum of all elements-numbers.