Let's now see how to load part of a page
using AJAX. Let's have a div and a button
on our index.html
page (the content
of body
is shown here):
<button>click me</button>
Let's also have the ajax.html
that has three paragraphs (no page tags,
just paragraphs):
Let's make it so that when the button
on the index.html
page is clicked,
the content of the ajax.html
is loaded into the div.
To do this, first we get references to our elements into variables:
let div = document.querySelector('div');
let button = document.querySelector('button');
Let's add a click handler to the button:
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
// here we will perform an AJAX request
Let's make an AJAX request now. For this,
the fetch
function is used, which
receives as a parameter the address of
a page whose contents we want to get. We
specify the ajax.html
page address
on our server:
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
let result = fetch('/ajax.html');
will return
as its result. The fact is that requesting
a page via AJAX is an asynchronous operation,
because it will take some time for the page
to respond to us.
Let's get a result of the promise:
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
let promise = fetch('/ajax.html');
promise.then(function(response) {
// a server's response is in the response variable
We simplify by getting rid of an extra variable:
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
fetch('/ajax.html').then(function(response) {
Let's simplify with an arrow function:
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
fetch('/ajax.html').then(response => {
And put it in a more readable way:
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
response => {
The response
variable contains a
fairly complex object of the
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
fetch('/ajax.html').then(response => {
console.log(response); // an object of the Response class
We will study this object in depth in the
next lessons, but for now we need the
simplest thing - to obtain a text of
the requested page. To do this, this
object has the text
method. This
method, however, doesn't return the
text of the page, but a promise with
its text:
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
response => {
console.log(response.text()); // shows a Promise
To get to the text of the page, the
promise obtained from response.text
needs to be handled again:
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
response => {
return response.text();
text => {
console.log(text); // a page text
So, we finally got the text of the requested page and we can, for example, write it to our div:
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
response => {
return response.text();
text => {
div.innerHTML = text;
Given three buttons and a div. There are three pages on a server. Make each of the buttons load the corresponding page into the div.
Suppose there are five pages on a server. Let the first click on the button load the first page, the second click - the second, and so on, until the pages run out.