Map collections in JavaScript

Map Collections are objects in which both primitives and objects can act as keys.

Let's try with an example. First, let's create a collection using the following command:

let map = new Map;

After that, elements can be added to the collection using the set method and received using the get method.

Let's try. Let's make two arrays as keys:

let arr1 = [1, 2]; let arr2 = [3, 4];

Let's assign some values to our keys:

map.set(arr1, 'data1'); map.set(arr2, 'data2');

And now read our values by the keys:

console.log(map.get(arr1)); console.log(map.get(arr2));

Let 3 arrays be given. Create a Map collection, make these arrays as keys of the collection, and some strings as values.

Let 3 objects and 3 arrays be given. Create a Mapcollection, make the objects as collection keys, and the corresponding arrays as values.
