Working with URL in JavaScript

In JavaScript, sometimes you have to work with links addresses. The URL class is designed for this, allowing you to get and change parts of addresses.

Let's see how to work with it on the following address example:

let path = '';

Let's create an object of the URL class, passing our address as a parameter:

let url = new URL(path);

Let's see what properties the created object has.


Using the protocol property, you can get the protocol type:

let res = url.protocol; console.log(res); // shows 'http://'


Using the host property, you can get a domain name with a port:

let res =; console.log(res); // shows ''

Host name

Using the hostname property, you can get the domain name:

let res = url.hostname; console.log(res); // shows ''


Using the port property, you can get a port:

let res = url.port; console.log(res); // shows '3000'


Using the pathname property, you can discard a domain name and get a path:

let res = url.pathname; console.log(res); // shows '/dir/eee/page.html#show?a=1&b=2&c=3'


Using the hash property, you can get the hash value:

let res = url.hash; console.log(res); // shows 'show'

GET parameters

Using the search property, you can get a string with GET parameters:

let res =; console.log(res); // shows 'a=1&b=2&c=3'

Using the searchParams property, you can get GET parameters as an object of the URLSearchParams class:

let res = url.searchParams; console.log(res); // outputs an object of the URLSearchParams class