You can change the properties that
contain element scrolling. In this
case, the element will scroll to
the specified value. Let's for
example scroll the element to
position of 200px
the top:
elem.scrollTop = 200;
Now let's scroll the element by
down from the
current value:
elem.scrollTop = elem.scrollTop + 100;
Now scroll the element to the end:
elem.scrollTop = elem.scrollHeight - elem.clientHeight;
Given an element and a button. On
button click, scroll the element
to 100px
scroll position
vertically and 50px
Given an element and a button. On
button click, scroll the element
by 50px
down from the
current scroll position.
Given an element and a button. By clicking on the button, scroll the element to the very top.
Given an element and a button. By clicking on the button, scroll the element to the very bottom.