Features of the Cyrillic alphabet in regex in JavaScript

Cyrillic characters are not included in the \w group. To get them, you need to use a group in square brackets, like this: [а-я]. But even with this group, there is a problem - the letter 'ё' will not be included here. To enable it, you need to do this: [а-яё].

Given a string:

let str = 'wйw wяw wёw wqw';

Write a regex that will find strings according to the pattern: letters 'w' are at the edges, and a Cyrillic letter is between them.

Given a string:

let str = 'ааа ббб ёёё ззз ййй ААА БББ ЁЁЁ ЗЗЗ ЙЙЙ';

Write a regex that will find all words according to the pattern: any Cyrillic letter any number of times.
